Wednesday, September 10, 2014

For my Family:

Most (basically all) autoimmune issues start once you have intestinal permeability (leaky gut syndrome). To make a long story short proteins pass through the lining of your intestine (which isn’t supposed to happen). When your body discovers the foreign protein an autoimmune response is triigered. Which depending on your genetics could be a lot of different things (lupus, crohn's, diabetes (type 1), multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, hashimoto's….to name a small few).
So then what causes leaky gut? In most cases its gluten. Gluten causes an allergic response to the lining of your gut. Overtime (decades) depending on your genetics the membrane that lines your gut will become so thin that foreign proteins will start to “leak” into your body.  
It’s important to note that this is a very vague summary of gluten and how it causes autoimmune issues.

Here is a good article to read first about how gluten effects the body

The two links below are about diet. I suggest first to read the article while looking at the image below. Then listen to the podcast while also looking at the infographic below.

What to eat:
14 steps to eating bulleproof (article)

14 steps to eating bulleproof (podcast)

This is an infographic that goes with both the 14 steps article and podcast listed above:
NOTE: you can click on the image below then zoom in to read different parts of the infographic.